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Facial Injectables: Dysport 

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Smooth away wrinkles and lines with Dysport at River Rd Dental.

If wrinkles aren’t your style and a “frozen look” isn’t either talk to us about achieving a natural youthful look with Dysport, a prescription injection proven to help smooth the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face. 


Deeply etched frown lines affect not just your appearance, but also you self-esteem. Dysport can help you look younger, more relaxed and in control. It can work as well for men as it does for women.


Developed by experts and chosen by specialists worldwide, Dysport is a simple, effective, non-surgical treatment that works by relaxing facial muscles, thereby reducing and smoothing frown-lines and wrinkles. Dysport is supported by over a decade of clinical experience. 

Jaw pain and bruxism (TMJ dysfunction)

Injectables can also be used for therapeutic applications, such as night-time tooth grinding and painful jaw joints, as it relaxes the overactive muscles of the face contributing to the problem.  It has been used in New Zealand by specialists to treat muscles spasms of the face. Click here to read more about TMJ dysfunction

Treatment by qualified professionals

Dr. Amir Russell has completed comprehensive training on facial injectables and Dermal fillers. He is a member of the Australasian Acacdemy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics. You can be rest assured that you're in excellent qualified hands so call us today to book your facial aesthetics consultation. 

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